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Author: Valerie. Flashback to a couple years ago when I boldly declared that I wanted to move to Japan on my own to forge my own path. At the time I was a young twenty-something, single woman. Japan, despite being a rapidly developing country, has had a history of gender inequality in the workplace. Though the roles of men and women on the job has no doubt changed throughout the years, Japanese women sometimes struggle to make it independently.
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Foreign women , in manosphere parlance, are women who grew up in a culture in which they were raised to act in what is typically thought of as a "traditional" female fashion , this in contrast with "Western" women and women in reality overall who, thanks to feminism , are human beings that often have better things to do than wait on their husband's hand and foot and provide sex on demand. The term usually means stereotypes of women from particular eastern Asian countries, notably Vietnam and Thailand , or the Philippines. The assumed characteristics that the manosphere ascribes to Asian women are not based on assumptions about race or ethnicity; rather, it's a cultural thing.
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