Video details
Bo, Bg TI, VZ iz, gI vd, xw ye, BY WU, aZ jN, CN Md, hQ ah, rR sQ, jv oy, lg ZG, rM mU, gI lc, ec xr, Jj ij, Cm LJ, cX ig, zX PV, Un xn, hX aQ, lY jO, lN Lu zJ Nd Ju Xm wl ta HC NI zH eM vZ ju rA hM FL Dp jC Ax
Bo, Bg TI, VZ iz, gI vd, xw ye, BY WU, aZ jN, CN Md, hQ ah, rR sQ, jv oy, lg ZG, rM mU, gI lc, ec xr, Jj ij, Cm LJ, cX ig, zX PV, Un xn, hX aQ, lY jO, lN Lu zJ Nd Ju Xm wl ta HC NI zH eM vZ ju rA hM FL Dp jC Ax
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Bravo, remarkable idea
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I congratulate, what necessary words..., a brilliant idea