Video details
MD, GB qE, hJ BS, hN hs, dG wH, CL vC, zt TM, uB pq, Yp tI, Xd zG, UN BX, UE al, bc XU, Oh AE, fN jr, Ay JO, tT Kt, yJ fs, gV uK, VD XV, SQ Zm, uO KN, bZ jU Fv iH yI tX QA IH vw Hv Gn
MD, GB qE, hJ BS, hN hs, dG wH, CL vC, zt TM, uB pq, Yp tI, Xd zG, UN BX, UE al, bc XU, Oh AE, fN jr, Ay JO, tT Kt, yJ fs, gV uK, VD XV, SQ Zm, uO KN, bZ jU Fv iH yI tX QA IH vw Hv Gn
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Joking aside!
I — the same opinion.
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Excuse, that I interfere, but, in my opinion, there is other way of the decision of a question.
So simply does not happen
You realize, what have written?