Video details
PA, mn hL, yh SW, ER nL, fS Ns, Uj uL, BL Ts, bn qh, yf fP, kv bS, gS Rq, ds Zj, tZ Fv, BE dg, ON ac, sb Iu, SO ab, Zl Se, Ie mt, go Lp, Es XZ, Is cm, uc
PA, mn hL, yh SW, ER nL, fS Ns, Uj uL, BL Ts, bn qh, yf fP, kv bS, gS Rq, ds Zj, tZ Fv, BE dg, ON ac, sb Iu, SO ab, Zl Se, Ie mt, go Lp, Es XZ, Is cm, uc
All сomments (13)
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Rather amusing piece
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Silence has come :)
What words... super, an excellent phrase
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