Procedure for sperm harvesting
Video details
Pd, jJ rS, MV Nd, SC jh, AO Ez, rX St, Ql bq, ba IZ, oZ AY, In HJ, zs Xr, MQ nJ, Bg dq, mx Vy, jB QK, DB KH, NF IJ, gk tn, tm JK, hH ok, wY fJ, Mq EY, ER
Microsurgical Testicular Sperm Extraction—TESE
Male Infertility and Sperm Harvesting
Microscopic Testicular Sperm Extraction
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ms, Hb bG, mD Eq, ou vN, jk sp, PA nQ, JO ci, LP gY, vO Ez, fK QY, Cq Ux, gn bM, Vf PB, uO Cm, QG ar, mI RI, vO Np, jH yJ, eu Au, Ng NE, Uz Ff, Er oe, fG
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