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Registration pm check in time. Parking: Parking in Bethesda is Free on Sunday but still hard to find at times. Bethesda Metro station is the closest to the venue in case you want to use public transportation. Event Details:.
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"Divorced, Healed and Ready 2 Mingle" Singles Mixer for ALL 35 & Over group

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Divorce Advice, Speed Dating Advice, And How to Meet Someone

The date appeared to be going so well. Teacher Charlotte de la Pena had met a man through an online dating site and arranged to have coffee with him. He was doing a PhD, they both had an interest in religion she teaches religious studies , lots in common and a lot to talk about. I thought only I would go on a date with someone who had decided to become a celibate priest. De la Pena's marriage broke down in May last year, and a few months later friends were urging her to start seeing new people; she has been dating since the beginning of the year.
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Divorce Advice, Speed Dating Advice, And How to Meet Someone

The bar is packed with suitors lined up against the far wall for a chance with the women sipping drinks in front of them. A typical singles night, but with a twist: every woman has a numbered sign and scorecard. Welcome to speed dating. Started by an L. Use caution, however: what appears to be romantic musical chairs can be fraught with the pressure of making a good first impression.
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I get so many female clients who are over 35 and divorced who come to me operating under the assumption that they are at an automatic dating disadvantage because of their age. They tell me how frustrated they are trying to date being in the "over 35" age group. Let me tell you something. They could not be more wrong. The biggest problem that these women have is not their age, but their mindset.
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