December 30, pm Updated July 26, am. Researchers at the University of Albany have been quizzing young women in heterosexual relationships about their sex lives — and, importantly, how intensely and frequently they experience the big O. The study found that women were more likely to climax if their partners were rich, confident and attractive — while the intensity of their orgasms also depended on how good-looking their man is. Researchers also found that it really is possible to laugh a woman into bed — with women having more regular sex, and more frequent orgasms, with funny men. Read Next.
Dr Pam Spurr reveals the twelve things you HAVE to know about orgasms – The Sun
By Rob Waugh. Belgian researchers watched videos of women walking, and were able to tell whether they regularly had orgasms from intercourse. They say having sex gives you a spring in your step - and it seems it's actually true. At the Universiti Catholique de Louvain, Institut d'itudes de la famille et de la sexualiti, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, they set about proving the theory right. They took women with known histories of either vaginal orgasm or inability to orgasm from sex and videotaped them walking on the street, and their orgasmic status was judged by sexologists blind to their history. The researchers think that, as well as having an effect on people's mental health, orgasms can 'loosen' muscle groups.
Science says these are the men who will make you orgasm
IT is often the elephant in the room when it comes to your sex life. The battle of the sexes continues. Only one in five women expect to orgasm with a new partner but 61 per cent of guys expect to. Women tend to be affected more by sexual anxiety when they are with someone new, making climaxing less likely.
The authors' inclusive language speaks to all women, regardless of age, sexual orientation, relationship status, orgasm tendencies or level of experience with meditation. The good, basic information including a thoughtful bibliography and appendixes on general sexual health and wellness emphasizes holistic approaches to maintenance and treatment, and the primer on thefundamentals of chi energy provides a solid overview of the theoretical basis for the methods developed to cultivate and use this energy. Achieving multiple orgasms, however, requires a considerable commitment to mastering the challenging practice of stimulating and directing sexual energy throughout the body although the simpler meditations and breathing exercises will help even beginners to relax.