Muncie indiana porn

552 2 years ago
Wednesday, May 12th, CELINA - A Muncie, Indiana, man arrested on Thanksgiving for grand theft and breaking and entering in connection with the theft of a utility vehicle from a local business was sentenced Tuesday to more than seven years in prison. Lee M. Peterson, 28, pleaded no contest in April to an amended charge of attempted engaging in a pattern of corrupt activity, a third-degree felony; three counts of grand theft, fourth-degree felonies; four counts of breaking and entering, fifth-degree felonies; and an amended charge of theft, a fifth-degree felony.
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Muncie Man Arrested for Possession of Child Pornography

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Muncie man sentenced to time served for child solicitation

By Daily Mail Reporter. The parents of a central Indiana boy are suing his school on the grounds that their son was subjected to 'horrific sexual abuse' by three second-grade classmates during school hours. The lawsuit filed last week in Delaware Circuit Court that identifies the alleged victim and his parents as Junior, John and Jane Doe, alleges the students' teacher and officials at Burris Laboratory School in Muncie knew the abuse was happening and failed to act on the warning they had been given. It also contends that the four eight-year-old boys had 'unfettered access to pornographic videos' that they downloaded on school computers and iPads and then 'acted out' on the alleged victim. The defendants in the suit include Burris Laboratory School, the alleged victim's second-grade teacher, the three students who the parents claim violated their son, Ball State University - the institution that runs the school - and the university's board of trustees. But despite the controversial claims, Ball State spokesman Tony Proudfoot has spoken out saying the school will 'vigorously defend these unwarranted allegations. According to the suit filed by attorneys on Friday, the Does received 'a a horrifying phone call' from the parent of another Burris student telling them that their son had been the victim of abuse in an incident on December 5.
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Parents lose lawsuit over destruction of son's porn stash

Three second-grade boys are accused of subjecting a fellow classmate to "horrific sexual abuse" after they allegedly "acted out" scenes from porn videos downloaded on school computers. The suit, which identifies the child and his parents as Junior, John and Jane Doe, alleges that the four 8-year-old boys involved had "unfettered access" to the Internet at school and downloaded pornographic videos on the school's computers and iPads. Among the defendants named are the alleged victim's teacher, the school itself and Ball State University, which runs the school. Ball State spokesman Tony Proudfoot denied the suit's claims and said the university "will vigorously defend these unwarranted allegations," the local newspaper reported.
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He said they had no right to throw out his collection of films, magazines, and other items. Werking had lived at their Grand Haven home for 10 months after a divorce before moving to Muncie, Indiana. The judge followed the value set by an expert, MLive.
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