Your cat has two small glands under its tail that are about the size of peas. This helps your cat establish its territory. Under normal circumstances, the anal glands are emptied by natural pressure when your cat passes a bowel movement. Your cat may also spontaneously express its anal glands if alarmed or upset.

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How to Express Your Cat's Anal Glands

How to Express Your Cat's Anal Glands
Every dog and cat has 2 anal sacs located on each side of the anus just underneath the skin. These are sometimes called "scent glands". The anal sacs open to the outside by tiny passageways or ducts. Glands within the anal sacs produce a characteristic foul-smelling fluid that is normally emptied by pressure each time your pet has a bowel movement. The most common reason for "scooting" is a problem with the anal sacs. These problems include impaction, infection, abscessation and rupture, and tumors.

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You caught your dog doing the booty scoot on your favorite rug and now you're wondering why they do it and how you can get it to stop. Whether that or excessive licking of your pet's hind region is what brought you here, it's likely that your dog's anal glands need attention. While that's probably the last part of your dog's anatomy you'd like to pay attention to, the fact is that anal gland problems in dogs are fairly common and often the cause of dog scooting problems. Your dog's hind end includes two small sacs located on the inside of their rectum, one on each side within the muscular wall, says The Spruce. These sacs gradually fill with secretions from sebaceous glands — the same glands found at the end of hair follicles that are responsible for unwashed hair becoming greasy — located inside each sac.

The anal glands are a pair of small sacs that sit just inside the anus. They contain a strong-smelling liquid used for marking territory. Healthy anal glands empty when a dog poos. Blocked anal glands are a relatively common problem and in most cases, are simple to treat.